Okay, I promised I would explain my absence from Blogland in more detail at a later date. Well, it is a later date & I will share with all of you my story. It started with my entire left hand & forearm going numb. (no fun when you rely on that left hand cause you only have half the use of the right hand & arm) That also made it fun at work. I carry plates & trays with my left hand. Working 6 days a week did not help it either I am sure. I now have feeling in my thumb, pointer & middle finger ( what a relief it was to get the use of the middle finger back since I use it a lot while driving here in Florida traffic in the on season for tourists) The ring finger & pinky are still numb along with most of the palm & that side of the forearm. No, I do not know what is going on with it, as that would require a trip to the doctor. Also you will remember that my oldest grandson, Ryan had his tonsils taken out due to the fact they were enlarging & blocking his airway.
I am sure you remember this shot of him after a dose of "Joy Juice"
Well, while at the hospital, he developed a non-curable infection called Henoch-Schenlein Purpura. It attacks the kidneys & causes reoccurring rashes on the lower limbs. Here is a link if you what to know more: Link
Then, my mother-in-law came for a visit. This was not a bad thing as she is a wonderful woman & we get along great. (I know...lucky me!)
Then our rabbit, Bandit D. Bunny, developed a "wonky" back leg.
We took him to a Vet that was listed in the House Rabbit Society page as having ample knowledge of rabbits. We all did our own research too, including Bandit.
Bandit wearing his reading glasses
After getting the full blown run around from this Vet, & Bandit's other hind leg started getting "wonky" we took him to our other Vet, Dr. Rumore (whom we trust very much cause he is awesome) We found out that Bandit had a tumor on his spine & he had lost a lot of muscle mass. The poor guy couldn't even scratch his own ear. We would do it for him. So....on February 15th our tough guy Bandit died.
We miss you da Bundit
Our cats, D'Artagnon & Ramses both miss him too. They have spent hours looking for him.
Then, on a lighter note.....our grandson Ryan turned 12 yrs old.
This little girl, our granddaughter Jessica, turned 1.
And Bradley, my son's middle child turned 6yrs old.
All three Birthdays fell in the same month & they are all my son's children.
On top of everything else, I had the Bubonic Plague or the flu or something at least four different times since the first of the year. Not to mention some computer problems That I was & still am having.
We have also been overwhelmed with planning our move from Florida to the frozen tundra of Western PA. The Hubs & me checked into a moving company, but they want $2,500.00 & we would be without our stuff for up to 2 weeks. So now we are trying to make sure we get the right size truck to hold all our stuff. Our son, Shannon will be helping us drive one of our vehicles during this cross country trek.
My son is also moving to PA. with his family which makes this Momma very happy! My daughter-in-law Tiffany has already lined up job interviews up there in Uniontown.
I am now working only 5 days a week instead of 6. This is a very good thing for me. If all goes as planned, I will be quitting my job by the 15th or so of March & can start some serious packing. The Hubs is going up to PA. the beginning of March to check some things out & get photos. I can hardly wait to get started redecorating the 100 year old house we will be living in! Oh, just imagine the stuff I can post here for all of Blogland to see!
Thanks for sticking by me my interweb friends.
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