
August 30, 2011

Me & My Broom Taking The Morning Swoop

 Hey Blogland! Today my Broom & I went out for a bit before work. Short day today for me on the job but I don't start until 3pm. So, the Broom decided it was time to venture out of the mountain range & fly over Blogland once again. We have not been out too much lately & I feel kinda sorry for the bristly guy.




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August 29, 2011

My One Year Anniversary

Hey Blogland. I wanted to share something with you today. It proves that I too am a human being & can suffer the same things everyone else does. The thing I am talking about today is Cancer. Yup the big C. It does not discriminate according to religion or race or nationality. Wednesday the 31st marks one year since my last surgery. My first surgery was in May 2010 for cervical cancer. I thought I was home clear after that only to find out that I also had uterine cancer & not only that, but he remaining outer area of my cervix was still harboring cancer cells & that had to be removed along with a giant chunk of my vaginal canal.

 Head rush to say the least. I was blown away.

 I don't wear this survivor thing on my sleeve (or shirt front as pictured in the above photos). I normally keep kinda quiet about it & if you know me at all you know that is a rare thing indeed. (me quiet? ha!)

I have yet to find a doctor up here to go to. Call me chicken if you want. About this, yup I am a chicken. I know I need to find a doctor & go. I am now three months overdue for my quarterly check up. The Hubs is on my case to get to a doctor. I myself know I need to go. I am dragging my heels this time & I am not sure why. Do I worry about it? Oh yeah, I worry. But seeing as my entire female inside parts have been ripped out of me, I wonder what I am worrying about. There is nothing else left to take. I told my doctor in Florida to take both ovaries too since they were next on the list to go funky on me. I did not want a zipper installed to make things easier for future removals. Guess I am just a bit bummed & feeling sorry for myself. Gotta snap out of it & move on. Thanks for letting me vent......I feel better now but still not reaching for the phone book to find a doctor in the area just yet.

Sorry Hubby.

Don't forget to leave a comment. I love hearing from wickedly
awesome people like yourself. Become a follower of
Wiccan Make Some Too & be part of an amazing group of folks. Hey, all the"cool" kids are doing it!

August 28, 2011

Italian Festival- Uniontown, PA.

 Hey Blogland! Hope that Hurricane Irene wasn't too mean to all of you. We did not get any rain here in Uniontown. We had an Italian Festival blow through instead. The Hubs had to work so I had him drop me off downtown on his way to work. I hung around a bit, took some photos,  munched on some tasty stuff & walked back home. Had a great time except when I had to climb the mountain side on the way home. ( was a hill but to me, coming from  Florida  where it is flat, it was a mountain side) I knew I should have brought my Broom but people kinda look funny at us sometimes & he is mega sensitive if you haven't noticed by now.

 I'm just gonna show you some pics & I will comment one some that I have some comments about. Sound fair? we go, on to the Festival!

 Some overheated ice cream

The haunted clock tower kept an eye on things

Mark Twain & a friend

 Found the Hub's Uncle Jake while walking around. We sat down & ate our pasta together.

Owner of Pasta Lorenzo's cooking my dinner.

 My bowl of delectables

 My ice cream cone ( had that before the pasta.....I have my priorities straight)

 Elvis impersonator trying to sing like Frank Sinatra with a mouth full of rocks.....priceless

I signed up for this!

Steelers stuff

Stuff that makes me sneeze

"I said stop texting & look! You never pay attention when you've been drinking. "

Behind these ladies & baby is a faux house. Yup it is a prop. It sits on Main Street. I noticed it when we first moved here. The downstairs windows open too!

A sandwich with it's own first name!

I liked these, Now the plan is to remove & paint every window in my house.
(wishful thinking)

This guy was pretty good.

Thanks for letting me share with you. Had some video but blogger is not feeling very well today & is not co-operating with me. Later, I promise.

Become a follower of Wiccan Make Some Too. You don't have to be Wiccan or Italian. Just a wickedly awesome person!