
October 31, 2010

Gots Me a Camera!

My husband Michael & I went out to grab a pumpkin, breakfast & some groceries. After the pumpkin was found the breakfast eaten he informed me that we were heading to Target to get a digital camera for me. I was getting out of the car to go look at a camera & almost tripped over my chin cause it & my mouth were still in my lap. I am so happy with my new camera! Here are some quick shots I took while still tweeking my knowledge of the camera's abilities.
Here is the front of our house. Went for the whimsical look this year. Our Cemetery is in the side yard.
The pumpkin we got & some gourds for company. The cinder blocks in the background & the empty cat litter bag are part of our rabbit's play area & he did not put his toys away when he was done like he is supposed to. The rabbit loves to get in the empty litter bag & hide from us. See he figures if he can't see you then you can't see him.
Here is our rabbit. Bandit D. Bunny.  The door to his cage stays open at all times but he was mad because my husband cleaned the cage & ruined the funk theme Bandit is trying for lately.
This is our cat D'Artagnon. He is happiest when he is pouting over something. He still believes he should be an only child & everything belongs to him.

This tough looking guy is Ramses. He is my body guard & follows me everywhere in the house. He loves to help Bandit make sure his parsley is fresh when he gets it for dinner. Ramses always has to do a taste test.
Here is my Husbands pumpkin after he carved it out.
Here is a sign that hangs in my office. Yes my office is painted that color. I truly love it. My office has been neglected a bit since I had surgery but now that I can once again walk upright I have to give it some TLC & then I will post pictures of it. It is pretty cool! 
Have a safe & Happy Halloween & don't forget to keep an extra sharp eye out for Trick or Treaters if you are out driving today.
I gots me a camera! tee hee!

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