
November 8, 2010

Clothes Pin Chair

Here is a craft I remember way back when from Girl Scouts (yup, I was one...go figure huh?) Anyway as none of my creations from back then have survived I decided to try my hand at it again. Here we go off to Crafty Land. Hold on tight & "poof". 

To start you need 13 spring type clothes pins. Remove the spring. I find the spring is easier to remove if you are hanging clothes on a line. They always pop off then with no problem. (save the springs cause this will be a project to come)

For the rocker glue two pieces together as in photo above. You need to do two of these.

 Next glue & add the legs & arms on your rockers just like the pic shows. The doubled ones are for the back legs. Notice how your chair arm slants ever so slightly.  Repeat on second rocker.

Now to start on you chair back. The center piece is positioned just under the grooves on the pin sections with flat sides touching & glue into place. You can use a hot glue gun or white craft glue. Just remember to allow the white craft glue to dry thoroughly. A hot glue gun will allow you to crank out a bunch of these babies in no time.
Turn your back support over & add three more pin sections as pictured. Try to keep the bottoms as even as you can as this will save you from adding money to your cussing jar later on.
Now to add the seat supports. Just below the grooves as shown. Making sure to keep them as straight as possible. The front support will be slightly lower than the back.
Attach the seat sections as evenly placed as you can, with flat sides down.  Add money to cussing jar.

Next to add a pin section to the back of your chair legs right where the legs & arms meet. Attach flat side.

Now to add your chair back (you can see why you want those tilted back slats to stay even) &  there you have it. A rocking chair! You can leave it natural as pictured above or paint it.
 You now have a place for a doll to sit or you can glue on flowers or small Christmas ornaments to the seat & back for a cute low cost (it can be if you mind you language) decoration or gift.
I snagged my clothes pins from the dollar store. For just a few bucks & a little time you can create a bunch of these for gift giving.
Add small books or a micro mini chalk board for a sweet teacher's gift. The possibilities are endless. If you make some I would love to see them. So have at it & have fun!

I am thankful for low cost gift ideas

If you are wondering why I am adding things I am thankful for in my posts for this month, the reason is this. Joni from Red Couch Recipes issued this challenge:
With every post you write from now until Thanksgiving, include a blurb, with or without a picture ,  of something specific you are thankful for. 
Don't forget to leave a comment. I love hearing from cool folks like yourself.
Become a follower of Wiccan Make Some Too, I love the company!

I am submitting this to Metamorphosis Monday  Between Naps on the Porch
Cause look at what a handful of clothes pins turned into!


  1. Hey, that's really cute! I wonder if I can talk Thom into doing several dozen of these...?

  2. Great ideas, it looks so beautiful:))
    I am your newest follower:)
    Greetings from Europe, Biljana

  3. This little chair is just darling! What a great idea! Thanks for visiting my blog today.

  4. This is soooo adorable! What a creative way to use your clothes pins! I love it! Thanks for linking up to the Pink Hippo Party!

  5. Wow, so cute and so creative!! Great idea :)

  6. Wow! The chair came out really well. So cute...

    Thanks for linking up to Kids Get Crafty! Fabulous to see you there!


  7. This is exactly what I tried to make a few weeks ago!!! But I couldn`t work out how to do it. So instead of a chair I made.... a sleigh. That was a lot easier :D

    Thanks for the tutorial. Will deinitely try the chair now!

  8. Hi there I love this you are so good at explaining everything!
    I think I have a Tom of ideas I will send you them
    Here is my email
    Thanks for sharing Wiccan or not ...:-)
