
November 3, 2010

David Lohr from talks the Zahra Baker Case

My Facebook friend David Lohr from  Aol News is an extremely talented crime reporter. David was on Nancy Grace tonight to discuss the case & the shocking letters that were written by Zahra Baker's stepmother while in jail & sent to the owner of a murderabilia website. You have I am sure seen this sad story unfold about the 10yr old girl's disappearance on television, internet & newspapers.  Zahra was hearing impaired & had to have a leg amputated during her fight with bone cancer. The owner of the murderailia site in turn notified Aol about these letters & sent them copies of the handwritten sick musings of Elisa Baker. David Lohr & Nancy Grace were both amazed at the self-centeredness of these letters. Also over the fact that the stepmother wrote "We really didn't kill her, but what he did after the fact is kinda horrifying," Wow, that one sentence just  blows me away. What that poor little girl probably had to deal with at home tears me up inside. I don't care what faith you are or whom you pray to but lets all send positive energy, prayers, thoughts...what ever out for Zarha , the reporters & the police that hope to solve this thing as soon as possible & bring justice for Zahra Baker. Keep up the great work David!
I will be thankful when this case is solved.

1 comment:

  1. I watch Nancy Grace just about every night and this story unfortunately seems to have turned into a murder case just as I thought but prayed it wouldn't. I love Nancy's show but what gets me is when she brings up the part of Zarha's step mother being pagan, she makes it sound like being pagan is bad. That's the only thing that I've ever been bothered by on her show. I've been practicing Wiccan since I was 12.

    Btw I just started following your blog and I love it!
