
November 22, 2010

My Son's Daddy Dollars

Like any parent my son, Shannon has been beating his head against the wall trying to get his children to do their chores around the house. So he has come up with his point system of Daddy Dollars. Now we all know that kids love money. When my 5yr old grandson Bradley saw his daddy printing out the Daddy Dollars, he had no idea what they were about just then but he announced that he wanted Daddy Dollars. My daughter-in-law checked the dirty clothes hamper & saw that Bradley had placed his dirty clothes in the hamper. That earned him one Daddy Dollar.  Shannon had the kids make & decorate their own envelope to hold their earned Daddy Dollars. Daddy Dollars come in $5 & $1 denominations & look like this:

My son said he always thought his face should be on money!

Now $10.00 in Daddy Dollars can "buy" 20 minutes of video game time. The kids can also use Daddy Dollars on Tuesdays or Thursdays to get a Happy Meal from McDonald's when Happy Meals are $1.99. Of course it will probably cost $5 in Daddy Dollars to get said Happy Meal. My son is still working on the "point" system of how the Daddy Dollars will be redeemed. My daughter-in-law asked my son "Well, what if I want them to get something done"?  My son said he will have to print her up some Mommy Money. I will do a follow up on this at a later date to let you know how this is working out. So far the boys have both earned 8 bucks in Daddy Dollars. My granddaughter Jessica is 9 months old & is too young to start earning Daddy Dollars. My 5yr old grandson even took it upon himself to empty the bathroom trash! That & replacing the empty toilet paper roll on the holder earned him one Daddy Dollar for each chore. I am amazed that the kids are doing things right now without even being told to. 

I am thankful that my three kids have all grown up & are some wonderful people.

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  1. I love it. I wish that my kids were still young enough that something like that worked with them. Unfortunately teenagers have to be bribed in different ways. LOL

  2. Blog of the week that's awesome!
    I wanted to say thank you for stopping by my blog and commenting... I am now following and I look forward to reading more of your stuff.
    All the best,

  3. Fantastic idea! (And always wanting his face on money=pretty funny.) Great parenting tip for sure.

  4. Great idea. We are doing something similar. My 5 yo daughter has a set of chores every day (emptying the dishwasher, cleaning her bedroom at the end of the day, organize the pillows on the sofa in the family room), when she's done with it she gets real coins, which she is saving in a piggy bank.

    We opened a savings account for her, when the piggy bank is full the money goes in the bank and she can choose between an inexpensive toy, a pizza night or an ice cream night.

    It's working very nice, and she's saving for a home (so she says). :)

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