
November 14, 2010

Skillful Halloween Decor Revamp

Are you wondering how you can incorporate some of you Halloween decorations into your Thanksgiving decor? I thought so but if you weren't I bet you are now. Ok I have spent a TON of time on this tutorial so please pay attention. Take notes if you have to or just mark this page in your favorites list for easy access in case you forget something. Strap yourself in cause its gonna be a bumpy ride. Not to fear my friends, together we will get through this. Here we go.
To start I had these Jack O' Lantern thingys that hang around my house during Halloween.

I racked my brain & then some to figure out how I could make my decorations work overtime & be useful for more than one Holiday. Alright this is where it gets tricky so pay attention! I grab hold of the decorations &......

I turned them around! Whew. I had to sit for a few minutes to rest before I snapped this photo. I mean come on , hard work is hard work. Are you feeling my pain here? Keep an eye out for these bad boys cause you will see them in my Thanksgiving decor.

I am thankful for decorations with plain backs.

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  1. haha I love your wit! You crack me up! Don't wear yourself out revamping those decorations ;)

  2. Love it! Double duty decor is the best!

  3. I just turned two halloween votives around and I am exhausted. Love it.

  4. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha {breathe} hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

    I think you just beat me in the sarcasm department this week! Absolute genius!
