
November 2, 2010

Survey Says!

Okay Kiddies. I was reading an article on Asylum early this morning & it said that in a survey taken in 2009 out of 2003 adults questioned 18% had admitted to having an encounter with a ghost. I am curious if any of you have seen a ghost or had an eerie experience related to a ghostly being. Leave a comment & I will conduct my own survey. Come on, it will be fun!   
Seeing this one does not count!


  1. OOOOH, ♥ guilsh pics this time of year Ü

    Thanks for visiting me over at Pittypat Paperie and leaving the nice comment. Stop by again sometimes.

  2. Specifically -seen- a ghost, once. If you count shapeless spirit lights, twice. If you count paranormal activity that doesn't involve seeing anything, several times. I don't like to talk about them because of how many people think you're nuts if you've had strange things happen to you. Even if they've had things happen, half the time they still think you're nuts.

  3. I've never been lucky enough to see any ghosts but as a child, I know I've imagined plenty!

  4. We lived in a 100+ yr old house for about six months before my hubby was promoted and we moved out of state. I was sitting in bed, reading one night and heard my name whispered behind me. There was no one else in the room. The really odd thing is that the voice sounded like my mom and she's still living...
