
December 3, 2010

Container Snowman

 Alrighty then Blogland it is time for more crafting stuff with your favorite Crafty Witch! (no.....sigh... I meant me)  Today I am going to show you how to make  Snowman head decoration out of ...(wait for it....) trash! Yup, you read that right, trash. This guy will join up with my Trashy Holiday Wreath at a later date. (cue cliff hanger music) Okay for starters you need two empty ice cream containers like this.

 I usually don't go this extravagant with the ice cream purchases but they were 2 for $5.00 & I just could not walk past that! I know you are feeling my meaning here people! Back to business. Two containers like this, washed out & dried. You don't want to soak these containers cause they will warp & not be any good. Wash them out fast but not with too hot of water cause you do not want to melt the thin wax coating off or once again it will be no good to use due to warping. I sprayed on a coat of Kilz Satin Finish in Brown Sugar (yup I still have some of that left) on each container. I love the Kilz cause it usually takes just one coat. I painted a Snowman face on one container (this will be your bottom piece)

I used acrylic paints & just painted my face on free hand (I know...that takes talent...right?) Then I painted
the other container black (this is your top). While that was drying I glued some cardboard pieces to the lid top of my bottom section to have a "meeting point" between the two containers.

 The amount of cardboard pieces you use will vary depending on the degree of dippage in the lid & the size of the bottom lip. I cut out a piece of cardboard in the shape of a pipe, painted it black & hot glued it just at the edge of my Snowman's mouth. Added some folded paper trim to the top piece, glued them together & I got this:

 So here you have it my Peeps. A Snowman's head made from trash & once again it's my favorite price.....Free!
I will be filling the bottom container with rocks since this is gonna sit outside on my table in the front of the house. That way with the rocks it will not blow away too easily & end up in the neighbor's yard & have them ticked off at me. If you make one of your own I would love to see the pics of how it turned out.

Don't forget to leave a comment. I love hearing from cool folks like yourself.
Become a follower of Wiccan Make Some Too, I love the company!


  1. Ha! It's too cute and funny. Perfect shaped containers, by the way, and you can draw way better than I can!

  2. Oh, we love snowmen this year. This is so adorable I'm going to have to get my mom to save her ice cream containers so I can give this a try.

    I saw this on Frou Frou Friday and I'm a new follower. Please visit us and follow back.


  3. I am All. Freakin'. Over. This. The Minions snorfle ice cream like crazy, and this is awesome!

  4. Just dropping by to let you know that I linked to this post in a round up today from the Home & Garden channel at Craft Gossip. :) This will appear in the main Craft Gossip RSS feed, on the main home page and can be found directly here

    If you would like a "featured by" button, you can grab one here!

  5. hahahah This is super cute! I can not believe thats what it's made of! Super genius!

    Thanks for linking up with Hooray for the Holidays!

  6. Awe! Very cute and thrifty!

    I would LOVE for you to join us at Kids Get Crafty - with or FOR kids - (every Wednesday on Red Ted Art) - current link up

    Hope to see you there!


  7. That is really cute.

  8. Very cute! I am just catching up with the link up from my last Holiday Open House party... thanks for linking him up.
