
December 26, 2010

Hope Your Christmas Was Wickedly Awesome

 I hope everyone in Blogland had a wickedly awesome Christmas day.  Mine was great. Got to spend some time with my son & his family. Talked to my daughters up in Maryland. Exchanged some goofy text messages with my brother. I have to call my sister today. Did not have the time for that. Sorry Sister Dear! My son's kids had a great time with all the stuff they got from Santa, mom & dad & me & grandpa. My oldest grandson, Ryan is getting really good with the yo yo. Check this video:

His brother Bradley was not having too much luck with the Wii. Usually he is a master with the sword fighting.

Miss Thing, my granddaughter Jessica had quite the time on her first Christmas. Grandpa helped her with her new kitchen set.

Here she is in her new Raiders Cheerleader dress (daddy is a Raider's fan) that she got for Christmas.

 This shot is a bit blurry. The child was not still for an instant! In one shot I took of her she ended up not even being in the photo cause she scooted off to something else before the shutter released!

We got my son Shannon a Fushigi Ball. We all saw this gizmo in action at the Renaissance Fair a couple years ago. It is really awesome.

Bradley got his Alphie!
He was moving fast too.

My daughter-in-law Tiffany was staying by the kitchen keeping an eye on the yummy croissant ham, turkey & cheese creations she had in the oven.

 Santa got Ryan a telescope.

A turtle was taking it easy basking in the sun on a log in the lake at my son's place.

Here an Egret is looking for something for his Christmas dinner.

The Muscovy Ducks were out & about around the lake also.

My son & his wife Tiffany got me this:

 The above shot is with the flash on so you can see the details. Below is without the flash to shoe that the crystal ball is lit up. It even changes colors!

This is a fountain too. Pretty awesome, huh?

My son's family headed up to his wife's grandparents house for part two of Christmas so the Hubs & I went out later to the only place that was open & had dinner.

Endless it!

The Hubs, Michael mugging for the camera.

His steak

My Breakfast Sampler plate.

Then back home to exchange our gifts to each other

The Hubs got me this skull ashtray. Ain't it cool?


Also the movie Despicable Me. I have been wanting to see it since I saw the previews on TV.

Plus he got me all these Gift Cards!

Look at em! Macy's, Victoria's Secretions Secret, Dots, American Eagle, Michael's Crafts, Payless Shoe Source & Cotton On. He sure spoiled me this year. Love ya Honey!

I got him some boots, a long sleeved button up shirt & warm socks for when we move to the frozen tundra of PA. Plus I got him Gift Cards to Target & JC Penny so he can maybe find some jeans. You don't own too many pairs of long pants living in the land of warm.

I hope your big day was great & all arrived to their destinations safe & sound. I witnessed a Jeep flipping over on my way to work Christmas Eve. It was horrible & my thoughts go out to the family who lost their loved one on what should not have been such a tragic day. I have had that vision in my head & would have gladly traded it in for visions of sugar plums if I could have. 

Blessed Be

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1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great Christmas!! LOL, How many people can buy there parents skulls and know they will like it ;) I hope I'll be still be that cool later on in life :)
