
December 28, 2010

Ice In Florida!?!?!?! Ewwww!

 What has happened to my sunny Florida? Woke up this morning to ice on the windshields. Yuck! The Hubs went out & wrote ice in the ice. Look it.

Also on the driver's side window.

My poor Toyota....frozen!

I thought it was called Global Warming not Florida Freezing! Are the Powers That Be trying to prepare me for the frozen tundra of PA.? 
Oh, I so do not like this my Blogland friends. I know there are those of you dealing with snow up to your window sills but I am so not ready for this.
(thinking warm thoughts.....sandy beaches, palm trees, lizards)

Our outside unit froze up this morning because the heating systems down here are not meant for these temperatures. Had to wait for it to thaw some (that took a while) for the heat to work again. Oh alas, I have to go out in this cold today.
(are you feeling sorry for me? I hope so cause I feel sorry for me)

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  1. Ohh dear...sending "feel sorry for you" thoughts..hehe. Nooo really...sending warm thoughts to you. Our weather here on the coast has really been wacky the last few weeks. We actually saw a few snow flurries Sunday...just a few but that was something ^_^ for here. OMGOSH...are ya'll moving to PA? I will continue to send "warming thoughts" your way my sweet friend.


  2. Hee hee hee hee I do feel for you but hey I only get 3 months of warm weather a year and that is usually debateable!! I live in WYOMING for goodness sake!!

    ~ Blessed Be, Nikki

  3. I feel sorry for you! And me too! I danged near put on socks this morning!
