
December 10, 2010

My Container Snowman Was Featured- Check It!

 So I get home from work & I check the blog to see what is going on in Blogland, I go to the comments section & I see this comment:

Just dropping by to let you know that I linked to this post in a round up today from the Home & Garden channel at Craft Gossip. :) This will appear in the main Craft Gossip RSS feed, on the main home page and can be found directly here

So I'm like..."WHAT!?!?!?!?!
I head over to the link & I see my guy the Container Snowman on the page hanging out with some other pretty cool Snowman dudes. You remember him, right? Here is his drivers license photo:

(I hope he didn't spend too much on this poorly done fake ID....& why would he need one?...hmmm)

So  I dialed his cell number & I'm like "Hey, Container Snowman Dude what are you doing over at Craft Gossip in the Home & Garden section"?  He said " Ya know....just hangin' with my Snowmies." 
Yea I did a groan on that one too. He has a twisted sense of humor like that. You can make em but you can't keep an eye on em all the time. (sigh)

Anyway....I'm tickled that he has found some friends to hang out with. He needed the interaction cause he was bugging me with his laying around the house & stuff. Got sorta messy when the heat was on ( yea had to turn the heat on here in the land of warm ugh) So go stop by & check him out hanging with his "Snowmies" over at Craft Oh he managed to snap a photo with his cell phome & sent me this:

 Cool Huh?
(now I am wondering where he got the money for the ID & the cell phone)

Don't forget to leave a comment. I love hearing from cool folks like yourself.
Become a follower of Wiccan Make Some Too, I love the company!


  1. So fun, he totally deserves to be featured!

  2. You are so funny! Thanks for the link and button love! :)

  3. Hi. I’m following you back from the Saturday Stalk. Thanks for stopping by I love how you re-purposed the container...super cool.
