
May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day Blogland!

 Happy Mother's Day to all of Blogland. I hope you all have a wonderful day. I wanted to share with you all my day out yesterday. The Hubs & I went to an antique consignment shop here in Uniontown called Dusty's Attic. Wow...I have never drooled so much in my entire life (okay, maybe when I was teething as an infant). So many wonderful things. I know the Hubs & I were in there for a long time. Here are some of the cool things in the store.

 Lots of this stuff was way out of my price range right now. They were running a special yesterday. All red dot tags were half off.

I have to tell you.....I wanted everything!

 There were antique dressers & tables & chairs. So many wickedly awesome things to tempt me.

Somethings were reasonably priced & then others were like....eek, what the heck are the vendors thinking!?!?!? But when you are in an antique shop, you find that.

There were also newer crafted items for sale.

Did you notice there are no freaky questionable dates on the photos? Yea, I finally figured out how to turn the date off!

I could not even begin to tell you how many antique dolls were on sale. 

The antique dressers were so totally cool. I wanted them all but I sure don't have the soace for all them.

I thought this was pretty cool. Not as cool as the price tag said it was though!

I did find a lamp for the living room that was awesome & it was a red dot tag to boot!

Here it is sitting in the corner of my living room. The table was my Great Aunt Eva's. I inherited it after her death almost thirty years ago. I have two of those and the coffee table that matches. (more of those at a later date)

Here is a close up of the base. The shade is in good shape but could use a little umph to it. Not bad for $4.50. 
Now to find more deals like that would make me a very happy camper. If the weather will ever get better I am sure the yard sales will start in full force. It rained yesterday (again). The nearby town of Dunbar was having a community yard sale but the weather was funky & not many people had anything out.

The Hubs has a another day out planned for today. He is taking me to Ohiopyle State Park. Photos will be up tomorrow as long as the weather cooperates. Signing off to head out to breakfast (or Brunch looking at the time). Have a great day Blogland. I am gonna try to have one myself. 
(wish me luck)

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1 comment:

  1. Ohhhh I see so many pretties....LOL!!! You are so my kinda gal ^_^ Love your new lamp and LOVE the table.

    Hope today at the park is FUN. Happy Mother's Day my friend.

