
May 20, 2011

Me & The Broom & These Squeaky Floors

Hey Blogland! The Broom & I snuck out in between storms last evening to poof on by & say "hey" to some of our friends. Speaking of sneaking....the broom cannot do that anymore in this house. The floors creak so bad you can track the movements of the cats when they are on a different floor of the house. I am serious! The floors squeak from the weight of a cat.....go figure. Anyway, the Broom cannot harass me in my sleep anymore & he is not happy about that! Well, he isn't happy about the rain either but then none of us are!

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1 comment:

  1. WOW...I thought only had floors that did that..LOL Of course, ours creak sometimes when everyone is sleeping...including Ms Peaches!!!

    Hope you get some sunshine soon my friend!!!
