
May 23, 2011

Yet Another Basket Remake....(yea, I got a lot a baskets)

 What up Blogland? I am poofing in to show you yet another basket I have revamped to go into my bathroom to hold all my crap. I have a huge collection of baskets. I collect them sometimes. Actually I had to cut back cause of space issues. Anyway, the baskets are back with a vengeance! This basket started out looking like this:

 Don't look at the washer, just the basket. My craft/workshop is in the basement & over by the washer the lighting is better for photos. In anther life this basket was a catch all for mail & bills. It sat on a high shelf right between the kitchen & living room. So the transformation begins.....

I sprayed it ......sit down & put down your Yes, I know that is not my "color" per say but I do like the color black too. Didn't get a shot of the basket just black so I will show you this:

There are some large openings in the bottom of this sucker & I don't want smaller items falling through the cracks so to speak. I lined it with some of the purple shelf liner that my mother-in-law picked up for me. Added a purple ribbon & some more of the stash o' flowers supply.
 Here it is sitting on top of another awaiting project. There are tons of projects around my house right now.

 And another shot. Ewww! Look how funky that table top is. Got that dumpster diving quite a few years back. It has been on my to do list ever since. I took the shot here because the lighting in the bathroom did not want to cooperate & I wanted  you to be able to see the pretties on it.

Oh look, blurry pretties!

Here is the reason they were blurry. My blurry cat D'Artagnon was batting my arm as I was trying to take the photos. Always so helpful.

 Next a funky lit shot of the new addition to the bathroom stuff holder gallery.

So from this

To this

Don't forget to leave a comment. I love hearing from wickedly awesome folks like yourself.
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  1. WOW...I love it!! I find more and more that we are kindred spirits my friend. I had about 4 boxes full of nothing but baskets when we moved..LOL!!!

  2. Good job! I spray painted a bunch of my bath stuff to match too. I like the black and purple together; it's a striking combination.

  3. This is such a great transformation! Love the color and all of the pretty flowers! Thanks for sharing with the Pink Hippo Party.
    p.s. it's nice to see you settling into your new home!
