
July 3, 2011

When Your Computer Fails You (or always happens to me)

 Hey Blogland! I hope all of you are doing well. I have had the most horrible week with my computer. Monday before last I went to get online only to find out that Direct TV & Verizon did not "bundle" my services as they were supposed to. It took me from 9am to 2:30pm to get my internet turned back on & now I still owe Verizon $136.00 because they did not do the bundle gig & I cannot get the bundle service from them until I pay that cash even though it was an error on Verizon's part.

Then the Friday after that my computer decided to stop working. I took it to the shop here in Uniontown. Now let me explain a bit here. In Florida when you take your system to be repaired you usually get a call within a few hours from the service peeps & they let you know what the hit to your wallet is gonna be. I called the Uniotown service guy the end of the next afternoon because I had not heard from him. My system still had not been looked at. This went on for four more days & then I get the call back...........there was nothing wrong with my system. I got it back home & now it is running as before. ?????????? I am not sure what happened but I spent an entire day, changing this cord or plug & a heap of other stuff. I am still scratching my head but happy to be back online!

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