
August 26, 2011

Wickedly Crafty Saturdays (8/27/11)

 A Wickedly Happy Saturday to you all out there in Blogland! I'm ready for another Wickedly Crafty Saturdays....are you?

 Yes, it's that time again so get ready to link up your Wickedly Crafty Stuff!

 Link up your crafts, sewing projects, furniture redos, curb side finds , recipes or whatever.

 I want a bustin' out party this week Blogland. So show me what you got my Pretties & your little dog too!

First off I want to share the favorites from last week & the most clicked link.

 I fell head over heels in love with this Painted Hutch from Forever Decorating. If you ever decide this hutch no longer serves your needs Terry, you can send it my way!

Michelle from Polka Dots & Pizza  made me drool with envy over this Overall Shirt. Ain't it the bomb?

Another piece of clothing that makes my heart sing is this made over Knit Dress from My Busy Craft Life. MJ, Girl, when are you coming over to my house to breathe new life into my wardrobe?

Ok....for the most clicked link, we have a tie here at Wiccan Make Some Too! Wickedly awesome, huh?

First most clicked link is this Zombie Felty Guy from Reef Botanicals

 Isn't he just too cute! I mean a zombie that makes me go "awwwww". What a treat!

Next the other most clicked link is this:

 Ballard Inspired Painting by Amie over at Pinkapotamus

This is the second week in a row that one of Amie's creation has been a most clicked link!
You deserve a pat on the back Amie, as do all who linked up. This award is for you Amie!

Way to go all of you! Please snag a "featured at Wiccan Make Some Too" button from the sidebar. 

Are you ready to party Blogland?!?!?!?!?  

Visit a few or more or the link ups if you are up to it. See some blogs that will knock your green & black striped socks off & make some new friends.

You can also become a follower of Wiccan Make Some Too if you are brave enough!

Let's get Wickedly Crafty......come on now, don't make me hop on my Broom & fly over there!



  1. Thanks so much for the feature! Got another zombie for you!

  2. He he he! Your post made me laugh and I placed my special button on my blog! Can't wait to share about it! You're the best!

  3. OMG, by the way, I'm completely enamoured with all things Halloween. Halloween takes up half our attic!

  4. Thank you for visiting and the invite. I've linked up my newest piece:-) That is fun!
