
August 6, 2011

Wickedly Crafty Saturdays (8/6/11)

Hey Blogland! It is time for another Wickedly Crafty Saturdays! Got some really cool entries last week. Here is a peak at a few of mine & your favorites.

 Love this Henna design on the to-go box from Creative Mind don't you?

 Then there is this Air Mail Curtain from Secret Pie Shoppe. How wickedly awesome is this?

 $1.00 Silhouettes from 3 Four and Under are right up my alley is price range. The cuteness meter is on overload!

The most viewed link up was this:

Mod-podged shoes from My Busy Craft Life

Grab an "I was featured" button from the side bar you guys.

I wanna give a great big shout out to all who linked up. Thanks for joining in my party. You guys rock & make my blog wickedly awesome!
Time for another go around. Link up, have a blast & visit & make new friends.

Oh yea....& grab a Wickedly Crafty Saturdays button & let's get this party started!

Don't forget to leave a comment. I love hearing from wickedly
awesome people like yourself. Become a follower of
Wiccan Make Some Too
& be part of an amazing group of folks. Hey, all the
"cool" kids are doing it!



  1. Hi,
    Thanks so much for inviting me to join your party.. You are so sweet!! :)
    Have a great day

  2. Hi Beth! Thank you so much for popping in to see me and inviting me to come to your party! I've linked up! Now I'm going to scroll through your blog! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  3. Thanks for the invite. Following you as well :)

  4. Hi, Beth! I've been away from parties for awhile but finally have something to post. Love all your features - adorableness. thanks for having us!

  5. Hello lovely! Thanks a bunch for featuring my henna designed box, so sweet of you..i will love to grab Featured Button :)
    btw i m adding another link here, thanks for hosting us..
    Love ~
