
September 29, 2011

Me & My Broom & Frequent Flier Miles

 Hey Blogland! My Broom & I got to take to the skies above Blogland for the second day in a row in a long time! We had us some wickedly awesome fun. Only had a little bit of spare time before going to work but what a fun way to waste it!


A place called home


When you visit these places please do not forget to check out the other entries. You can make so many friends & find crafts & recipes that will just knock your wicked green & black striped socks off!
Don't forget to leave a comment. I love hearing from wickedly
awesome people like yourself. Become a follower of
Wiccan Make Some Too & be part of an amazing group of folks. Hey, all the"cool" kids are doing it!


Deadly Lion Wine

 Hey Blogland! Me again with another Halloween decoration idea! I had this bottle sitting around since I lived in Florida. (yes I packed & moved an empty bottle.....2 actually) Here it is:

The blue color of the bottle just screams "do something with me"!
So, I said, "okay".
I started off with a cob web pattern made with a white paint pen. The paint pen has been around awhile & is starting to run out of oomph so I went back over the pattern with a silver paint pen.

 Decided on the name for my "wine". Deadly Lion Wine. And proceeded to write it on the bottle & not plotting it out first. Wrote it too high up. A scrubby took that right off even though it had dried. I then paid attention to what I was doing & rewrote my label.

Next up was some Halloween Creepy Cloth.

All I did was snip off a small section of one end.

 I placed some white glue on a piece of wax paper & set a small section of my creepy cloth on top.

There it is sitting atop a glob of glue. I then smooshed it all around in the glue getting it nice & coated. Then I placed it on the bottle around my "label".

This was a bit messy & I know I used some words I dare not repeat here.  Lay the bottle down a bit on something where it will not roll over & smash the glue coated cloth.
Once I won that war, I added a smaller section to the bottom portion creating a frame if you will for my label.

I tossed a smaller section of creepy cloth over the top &  here you go!
(remember that this takes skill & dexterity folks!)

There she is. I have to decide what I will do with her match. So you know another Creepy Bottle is in the future!
Don't forget to leave a comment. I love hearing from wickedly
awesome people like yourself. Become a follower of
Wiccan Make Some Too & be part of an amazing group of folks. Hey, all the"cool" kids are doing it!

September 28, 2011

Me & My Broom ~ Taking Off Is So Sweet!

 Morning Blogland! My Broom has had enough of us not getting our daily dose of sky around Blogland. This morning he tripped me as I was heading to fill the coffee pot. Luckily for him, I managed to hold onto the pot & it did not brake (he would have been in sooooo much trouble!) I made the coffee, drank a bit of it & off we headed to visit with friends of ours that we have missed so very much.

 Halloween Linky Party Here



When you visit these places please do not forget to check out the other entries. You can make so many friends & find crafts & recipes that will just knock your wicked green & black striped socks off!
Don't forget to leave a comment. I love hearing from wickedly
awesome people like yourself. Become a follower of
Wiccan Make Some Too & be part of an amazing group of folks. Hey, all the"cool" kids are doing it!

September 27, 2011

T.P. Roll~ Halloween Ladder

 Hey Blogland! Hope you all haven't forgotten me. I have been caught up in a bunch of things like work & travel for family events. Glad to finally give the old Broom a rest & be back in front of the computer so I can show you my latest craft idea. I will skip sharing the moment the inspiration for this hit me. I love those ladders with Santa & the elves climbing up all pell mell . So I decided to do one for my favorite holiday.....Halloween!

 I started with seven toilet paper rolls (empty & already to be trashed) & I spray painted them black. It was a bit of a challenge to spray them lightly so they did not fall over. I did quite well actually! I also sprayed inside the ends of the tubes. Here they are in my spray painting theater in the process of being finished.

 I had my painted rolls & some clothes line. I started off with some that had a bit of metal through it but it did not work to hot for me since I am not sure how many years it had been coiled (smushed in a box) in storage.  Digging around in my craft stuff I was happy to find a new package of line without the wire inside. I opted to use that instead.

 I cut my line the size I figured would work for me & pulled it through one tube & then through another. Tying the ends in a tight knot. The knotted part will not be seen cause you just pull it into the tube where it stays hidden.

Here is a shot with the rolls connected & the knot hidden.
 (bet you are glad I explained this photo to you, huh?)

I continued on with a total of seven toilet paper rolls. Here is what it looks like:

Yea it is kinda boring just yet but wait till it hooks up with these guys!

Some skeletons & spiders later, I got this:

Here it is hanging off of my creepy looking, really needs to be painted back porch. So there you are, just some empty toilet paper rolls & some skeletons you have laying around. Wait....I am probably the only one with tons of Halloween decorations still in the  package just waiting to be put to use. So if you don't have any skeletons lying around....head over to the dollar store where I am sure you will find something right about now that you can use to decorate your toilet paper roll ladder. That is unless the Christmas decorations have already taken up all the space allotted for Seasonal Decor!

Here is a zoomed in look. You can almost make out the spiders. Sorry I forgot to move the boxes my Avon order arrived in.....oops!

Don't forget to leave a comment. I love hearing from wickedly
awesome people like yourself. Become a follower of
Wiccan Make Some Too & be part of an amazing group of folks. Hey, all the"cool" kids are doing it!

September 23, 2011

Wickedly Crafty Saturdays (9/24/11)

 Hey Blogland! Sorry I have been AWOL for a bit. Traveled to Maryland for my grandson's 4th birthday,had a convention to go to, been working some long hours & with the non-stop rain, I have not gotten too much accomplished. (hanging my head in shame) But hey, it is time to party once again! Break out your favorite craft, recipe or whatever posts & share them here with all of Blogland. Now for a rundown of the last favorites & most clicked link!

First favorite of the last Wickedly Crafty Saturdays is

This awesome Vampire Dress Mini Top Hat from MJ over at  My Busy Crafty Life
 I am so loving this hat!

Next favorite is this Glowing Wood Stove from On Hollyhock Farm

 I would be wickedly cool to have that in my house up here in the Frozen Tundra!

Another favorite is this adorable headband from  Creative Mind

Don't you just love it! This would look so cute on my granddaughter Jessica.

Now for the most clicked link from the last Wickedly Crafty Saturdays...

 This beautiful sweater plus 12 more from  Tales of a Trophy Wife

She has done some wickedly awesome stuff with all of those sweaters! Love them all.

 Grab yourself a "featured" button & wear it proudly.

Many thanks to all who linked up! Now let's get at it us your "Wickedly Crafty Stuff"!

Please visit other links & make new friends & find some wickedly awesome crafting ideas!

If you like my blog & this link party why not tell the world by becoming a follower of Wiccan Make Some Too.

Link up &Party on!

September 15, 2011

Wickedly Haunted Thursdays-Why They Stick Around

 A Wickedly Haunted Thursday to all of you out there in Blogland! Today we will explore some reasons why ghosts are around us & why they can't or won't move on....

 An article from the Paranormal Daily News fills us in on this

So, why would anyone choose to stay around rather than move on? These are some possible reasons:
1. TRAUMA: They died so suddenly or violently that they don’t know they’re dead or simply refuse to accept it.
2. LACK OF A BELIEF SYSTEM: They expected non-existence following death and have trouble coping with the fact that they’re still around and aware.
3. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Something needs to be completed; for example, an important project at work or home. An intense interest in “seeing it through” can cause a person to linger for a while on the earth plane. The desire to send a message to someone still living can also be a powerful reason to remain.
4. PROTECTION: A spirit may be trying to protect a loved one for some reason and is reluctant to move on until they’re assured of their safety.
5. LOVE: A very strong love bond between spouses, parent/child, or even friends can cause a spirit to remain.
6. HATE: A very strong hatred toward a living person or persons could be the reason why a particular spirit chooses to stay. They’re holding on to their anger, resentment, and hatred.
7. FEAR: People who have been followers of very rigid religious dogma are sometimes afraid to move on to the next stage. They fear judgment, punishment, or being sent to hell to be tortured for eternity, not realizing that their “hells” are self-created.
8. FAMILIARITY: A spirit may simply feel most comfortable in the environment of a beloved home and be reluctant to leave. They’re happiest in familiar surroundings and may stay only a few years and then choose to cross over when they’re ready.
9. CURIOSITY: Some spirits stick around simply to see what happens next – who’s going to win the election? When is that new movie coming out? What’s going to happen next with Jon & Kate? These are generally spirits who, when living, tended to be very involved with earthly activities and interests and they’re not quite ready to give them up.
10. REVENGE: A spirit may be looking to avenge their murder or betrayal. Or, they may feel “cheated,” not realizing that it was their time to die. They may be envious towards those still on the physical plane and may be looking for opportunities for revenge.

A ghost getting in on a photo

Ghost dog

 Famous ghost on stairs photo

Have you had a haunting or do you know of a haunted place? Share with us!

Don't forget to leave a comment. I love hearing from wickedly
awesome people like yourself. Become a follower of
Wiccan Make Some Too & be part of an amazing group of folks. Hey, all the"cool" kids are doing it!

September 9, 2011

Wickedly Crafty Saturdays (9/10/11)

Hey Blogland! Hope you have all dried out from the wet weather! It's time once again for Wickedly Crafty Saturdays here at Wiccan Make Some Too

I want to take the time to thank those of you that are not put off by my way of life & join in on Wickedly Crafty Saturdays. Maybe I should make things more clear as to what a Wiccan is. 

  1. We do not worship the Devil
  2. We do not believe in the Devil, so it is kind of hard to worship something you do not believe in
  3. We are good people
  4. We are an Earth based religion (so you are not gonna see to much of us littering our planet)
  5. Our "spell work" is our way of sending energies into the Universe such as prayer works for other religions
  6. We do not sacrifice any babies or animals
  7. We "celebrate" our earthly home as our ancestors used to before any churches were ever formed
  8. We do not shun others for being "different" (your way of life is your way of life & as long as you are not a mass murderer or something evil, we have no problem with that)
  9. Wiccans have served & died for our Country 
  10. We are all around you as teachers, business people, grocery checkout clerks, shoe sales persons, mechanics, mail carriers.....I could go on & on

I could have named my blog something else & hidden who I am. But then I would not have been "true" to myself. I have no problem with those that proclaim their faith on their blogs. If that is who you are & what you believe in, then I admire & respect you for that. One of my best friends is Catholic & she has opened her eyes enough to know that I am a good person even though we do not share the same religious views. Isn't that what it is all about? Being the best you can be as a person & not condemning others for being different than you? It is big in the news & the internet about people needing to be  more accepting of others.

(getting off of my soapbox now!)

 Okay, now onto our features!

This medieval dress by MJ at  My Busy Craft Life  was a big hit & had quite a few hits on it!

 Wickedly tickled by all the stuff Pattie transformed with chalk paint at On Hollyhock Farm

 I could stare at these Candy Corn Decorations all day long that Kim from Tiaras and Bowties made.

 Now, the most clicked on link of the week was this:

 Dawn from A Real Crazy Life got a jump start on her Halloween decor by making this uber cute wreath !

Kudos to Dawn for the most clicked link! And kudos to all of you who linked up!
Grab a "featured" button from the side bar & wear it proudly.
Now, lets get on to the party. Show me your wickedly creative side Blogland! Please visit some or all of those who link up. Make some new friends maybe while you are at it!

 Link up my Peeps!