
September 9, 2011

Wickedly Crafty Saturdays (9/10/11)

Hey Blogland! Hope you have all dried out from the wet weather! It's time once again for Wickedly Crafty Saturdays here at Wiccan Make Some Too

I want to take the time to thank those of you that are not put off by my way of life & join in on Wickedly Crafty Saturdays. Maybe I should make things more clear as to what a Wiccan is. 

  1. We do not worship the Devil
  2. We do not believe in the Devil, so it is kind of hard to worship something you do not believe in
  3. We are good people
  4. We are an Earth based religion (so you are not gonna see to much of us littering our planet)
  5. Our "spell work" is our way of sending energies into the Universe such as prayer works for other religions
  6. We do not sacrifice any babies or animals
  7. We "celebrate" our earthly home as our ancestors used to before any churches were ever formed
  8. We do not shun others for being "different" (your way of life is your way of life & as long as you are not a mass murderer or something evil, we have no problem with that)
  9. Wiccans have served & died for our Country 
  10. We are all around you as teachers, business people, grocery checkout clerks, shoe sales persons, mechanics, mail carriers.....I could go on & on

I could have named my blog something else & hidden who I am. But then I would not have been "true" to myself. I have no problem with those that proclaim their faith on their blogs. If that is who you are & what you believe in, then I admire & respect you for that. One of my best friends is Catholic & she has opened her eyes enough to know that I am a good person even though we do not share the same religious views. Isn't that what it is all about? Being the best you can be as a person & not condemning others for being different than you? It is big in the news & the internet about people needing to be  more accepting of others.

(getting off of my soapbox now!)

 Okay, now onto our features!

This medieval dress by MJ at  My Busy Craft Life  was a big hit & had quite a few hits on it!

 Wickedly tickled by all the stuff Pattie transformed with chalk paint at On Hollyhock Farm

 I could stare at these Candy Corn Decorations all day long that Kim from Tiaras and Bowties made.

 Now, the most clicked on link of the week was this:

 Dawn from A Real Crazy Life got a jump start on her Halloween decor by making this uber cute wreath !

Kudos to Dawn for the most clicked link! And kudos to all of you who linked up!
Grab a "featured" button from the side bar & wear it proudly.
Now, lets get on to the party. Show me your wickedly creative side Blogland! Please visit some or all of those who link up. Make some new friends maybe while you are at it!

 Link up my Peeps!


  1. Thanks for hosting Beth! I enjoyed the facts about Wiccans :) Having an open mind to others beliefs is an important factor in life. Have a great weekend :)

  2. Thank you so much for featuring me! And great post, I have been reading up on the subject, and bought a couple of books. I enjoyed reading them and have a little more knowledge of Wiccan. Thanks for sharing. <:^)

  3. Thanx for the feature :) Very glad to hear that others liked my dress as well! Lets hope they agree with the next one also ;)

  4. thanks for inviting me to this party! am following u here now to keep up with the posts :)

    Ai @ Sakura Haruka

  5. I loooved that medieval dress! Super cute features, Beth, and lovely 'soap box' discussion. I love that you are an 'out' Wiccan. And thanks as always for the party, whoo!

  6. Well, by the time I finally had time to reply to my comments this week the linky was closed. :(
    I'll leave a link to the acorn doughnuts for anyone who wants to see them.
