
October 15, 2011

Wickedly Crafty Saturdays (10/15/11)

 Hey Blogland. So very sorry once again for life interfering with my blog. I so detest when that happens. Quick update: the police still have so suspect in the murder of John Curtis Smith. This Wickedly Crafty Saturdays is dedicated to him.

 I want to thank those of you who participated in the last Wickedly Crafty Saturdays here at Wiccan Make Some Too. I love all the links & those who share their links. 

First up, the favorites from last time

Visitors to Wiccan Make Some Too & myself all loved this R2D2 cake from Tales of a Trophy Wife

Another favorite was this Zombi Dress by MJ over at My busy craft life

 Wickedly awesome pose MJ!

Now our most clicked link was the link supplied by Kim from Maiden D'Shade

Aren't these luminaries just to die for? So cute & easy to create with her tutorial. 

Grab a featured button you guys & get ready to link up some more wickedly creative stuff.
As for the rest of you....what are you waiting for people? It's a up!



  1. Thanks for the invite! I've added a few Halloween projects to your party. Please feel free to link up to ours if you haven't already.

    Corie @ Design DNA

  2. Thanks for hosting! Enjoy the rest of your weekend :)

  3. Thanx for the feature :) :) :)

  4. Thanks for the invite. I added the cookie pizza. And I love your cat! He looks just like our cat.

  5. Thanks for hosting the party.

    Have a great week.
