
October 28, 2011

Wickedly Crafty Saturdays (10/29/11)

 Hey Blogland! It's that time again! Yup you guessed it my pretties. It is time for Wickedly Crafty Saturdays. I am excite about the entries from last time. Loved the Halloween stuff. How could I not? I have been busy doing all sorts of wickedly awesome things. On Wednesday I walked with the Laurel Grove Wiccan Circle in the Uniontown Halloween parade. Loads of fun there & I will share some photos with all of you in another post. Tomorrow night I am taking my oldest grandson, Ryan on a Ghost Hunting tour. I have chills of excitement just thinking about it! Okay, here we go.

 One of everyone's favorites & mine was this:

 Zombie hair & make-up from my girl MJ over at My Busy Craft Life
 I just drool over her costumes & make-up.

Next up is this Pretty Lady from Pattie from On Hollyhock Farm

Pattie took a store bought creepy picture & made it all her own!

The Bloody Eye Spell Book from Design DNA really made me & other smile!

The magazine eyes turned out wickedly creepy!

The most clicked link was being rooted for by my very own Broom. You all know how he is. Once he set eyes on this he has been bristling at me to make one like this for him. Here it is...the most clicked link:

The broom parking sign created by Bethany from A Fish Who Likes Flowers!

It is a wonderful creation.

Don't forget to grab a featured button.

My pointed hat is off to all of you who linked up. Now lets get ready to rock the purple & black striped socks off of Blogland once again my friends. Link up for Wickedly Crafty Saturdays Halloween weekend edition!  The party is on my Peeps & you have been tagged to join in.

Lets rock this link party!

Don't forget to leave a comment. I love hearing from wickedly
awesome people like yourself. Become a follower of
Wiccan Make Some Too & be part of an amazing group of folks. Hey, all the"cool" kids are doing it!


  1. Thank you for featuring my Witch Broom Parking Sign! And thank you for hosting such a wonderful party! Blessed Be

  2. Thank you so much for featuring my Zombie Hair and Makeup post :) I am glad it is of use to people, I am far away from being an expert but like they say at some famous supermarket here: every little helps ;) Thanx again, must prepare for the party tonight... Have a great Halloweekend!

  3. OMG! Thanks for featuring my lovely lady! I just love Halloween. Thanks, also, for hosting. Have a great weekend. We are expecting snow!!!!!! Not happy about that!
