
June 2, 2013

Hostile Hostas

Hey Blogland! Me again, poofing in for a bit to show you how the hubs & me tamed some hostile Hostas. When we bought this house it came with a ramp that was bordered with Hostas. I was so happy to see plant  life on a property that was overrun with rocks.

Here is a shot of the leafy lovelies before they tried to take over the sidewalk again this year.

In this photo you can see where they have grown out to cover part of the sidewalk in years past. They really needed to be tamed & thinned out before doing themselves some damage. (& before the root systems on these guys started to lodge themselves under the sidewalk & become impossible to work with)

A short time later, they looked like this:

The clean part of the sidewalk is no longer visible & the walk area has greatly diminished. These suckers were becoming hostile!

See with this inside peak just how full these things were. I was like "EEEKKK!"

Here is one trying to devour my garden trowel. Sadly I cannot say that no gardening tools were harmed in this endeavor. The trowel you see in the photo is sadly no longer with us & in later actions against this attempted take over, a hacksaw also breathed its last. Such carnage & loss.

As you can see, this was going no where fast!

So the Hubs went for the heavy artillery, the shovel. I sent him bravely onto his mission of digging the Hostas up.

He started with one. Skillfully separating them by the roots & big solid clumpy base thingy. 
He ended up with more than this:

Ahhh! Look at all of those & there were still 5 more full Hostas in the ground!

Not to worry Blogland friends, all of the Hostas were either used on our property or adopted out.

Sneak peak of the front yard where most of the river rocks were:

Please note that this is still a work in progress!

This little beauty decided to flutter over & see what was going on. Nature approves of the reclaiming of the front yard!

She hung out with us for awhile. How wickedly cool is that?

Don't forget to leave a comment. I love hearing from wickedly awesome folk like yourself!

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  1. I am learning so much on your blog. I try not to touch plants too much because I kill them. Weeds, though, is another matter. They flourish under my hands. :~(
