
July 9, 2014

Jiggly Jello Dessert

Morning Blogland! I am posting this morning to share my Jiggly Jello Dessert with all of you. I made this for our cookout over the weekend with my son's family. I say it was a huge hit & oh so wickedly easy to do.

Doesn't it look delish? And you can whip it up just with the wave of a wand! 

Ok, it took a little more than that. I will share with you the magick I used to create this plate of Dessertly Delight.

First off: Jello. It doesn't matter what brand you use. Just have a variety of flavors so you can have a variety of colored layers in your dessert.

I had two boxes of each Orange & Strawberry-Banana.  Plus I had a box of Cranberry flavor. Didn't tell my son or the grandkids about the Cranberry flavor or they probably would not have eaten it. (picky, pests sometimes!)  Layered on the magick & they had no clue!

For starters, totally ignore the directions on the box. You are going to use boiling water only for this & it will turn out like a charm.

Use 1 1/4 cups boiling water to dissolve each box of Jello. I recommend doing only one box at a time due to the steps required to create this masterpiece.

Once it is dissolved in the bowl, take 3/4 of a cup of this & put in your bowl or whatever mold you are using. Set it in the fridge once it gets room temperature (doesn't take long dearies)

You are going to set your timer for 15 minutes. While you are waiting for the Jello in the fridge to set up to the proper firmness prepare the remaining Jello.

Use 3 tablespoons of either sweet condensed milk or as I did French Vanilla Coffee Creamer.

This you will mix into the remaining Jello to give it a creamy effect & a wickedly awesome extra flavor punch!

When the 15 minutes is up, remove your bowl or mold from the fridge & add the creamy layer on top of the clear layer. Put it back in the fridge & reset that timer for 15 minutes. Then move on to your next flavor of Jello & repeat the steps.

Be sure to stick to the 15 minute set time for each layer so they adhere properly. If you let it firm up too much there is a chance your layers will slide apart once removed from your mold.

The above pic is with clear & creamy Strawberry-Banana layers & clear & creamy Orange layers.

Once I was done adding my clear & creamy Cranberry layers I repeated the Strawberry-Banana & Orange layers.

This actually turned out to be a fun dessert to make.

I made this on Friday & let it set in the bowl in the fridge until Sunday morning before I removed it from the glass bowl. Just a few hours or overnight would be enough to let this totally firm up before serving.

Before attempting removal, set your mold in warm (not hot) water for a few minutes. You really can't tell from this pic but I had the water almost up to the rim of the bowl. I filled the sink after putting the bowl in so I would know when I had enough water in the sink & not risk any water coming over the sides of the bowl & onto the Jello.

Do not use a knife to get the Jello away from your mold! You will run the risk of ruining the sides of your creation.

Here it is once again just out of the bowl.

With a sliced removed it looks even more delectable!


Here it is on a plate! Looks sooooooo good, yes?

For all your hard work you will be rewarded with happy faces & magickally emptied plates.

Happy face.

Almost empty plate.

My grandson Bradley is having surgery today to correct a cleft palate. Here he is this morning on his way to the hospital.

He is always happy no matter what he faces. He is the bravest little guy I know.  He will be monitored during surgery because he has mini seizures that are only noticed when he stammers or stutters. In his nine short years he has been through some tough times. Surgery at 6 weeks old to correct a blocked stomach valve, losing both front teeth at two when he fell into a coffee table, fluid in his ears that the doctors waited too long to correct resulting in him being deaf in his left ear (his equilibrium was so bad he could run down a straight hallway & bounce off the walls like a pinball in a machine) & the poor thing has terrible vision in his right eye. Hopefully this surgery will allow his front teeth to finally come down from his gums. He has been without front teeth for 7 years. It will be so different to see this child with his front teeth!

He loves Batman & the color blue. The request has been made by him that I create this Jello Dessert in blue.  He will be on a liquid diet for two weeks before moving onto a pudding like consistency diet for four weeks after that. Positive energies & prayers for him will be most welcome!

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Sharing this with these wickedly talented folk's sites:

Savvy Southern Style
