
December 4, 2010

Baby Bunny - Mommy Time

 Our rabbit, Bandit D. Bunny might act like a tough guy, but deep down inside he is a big baby. He gets mad when The Mister cleans his cage or moves anything around in it. Bandit will throw his food dish, spilling his pellets every where. He shreds newspaper & tosses that all over his cage but once he sees his Mamma grab a towel for cuddling (he sheds like a, well...a rabbit!) he gets all babyfied & just wants lovin'. He loves his Baby Bunny - Mommy Time! Thought I would share this special moment with all of you out in Blogland.

Bandit gets all comfy, falls asleep & even snores while he is in my lap. He is 5 yrs old but when I give him a cuddle all his "growing up" fades away. Doesn't look like too much of a tough guy here does he?  In this photo he is just a big ol' pile of bunny love.

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  1. OMG, so cute! Bunnies snore? I did not know that.

  2. Merry Meet!

    Blog hopping; great site, I am now following!

