
December 4, 2010

Wickedly Crafty Saturdays #3

 Its that time again Bloggers! 
Oh yea, its time for Wickedly Crafty Saturdays!

Had some awesome stuff dropped off here at the last Wickedly Crafty Saturdays. 
Loved these guys from Kimmy Kats

Check out the Santa Face pins from Southern Ooaks.

& this cool Belsnickles from Easy Peasy Grandma
(I like that...Belsnickles, it's so fun to say!)

Belsnickles, Belsnickles,Belsnickles, Belsnickles
 ( no I am not on anything... I swear!)
Everything was wickedly creative last week. Wish I could feature them all! Those who were featured, go ahead & snarf an I've Been Featured button from the side bar & wear it with pride.

No Etsy pages or business websites please
Please link directly to your post and not just to your blog.

Please leave comments on the sites you visit (you don't have to but its nice)
 Grab the Wickedly Crafty Saturdays button on the sidebar & add it to your post or blog so everybody knows where your hands have been.
It would also be mega sweet if you became a follower of Wiccan Make Some Too! 
I would like that a lot & it would make me very happy. 

Many thanks to all who "poof" in for a visit.

Okay, I want you to Wow me again people! Start showing me your stuff.



  1. Thanks so much for the feature!!!

  2. These are great!

    I just found your blog through the Saturday Stalk Blog Hop! Have a great weekend.

    Amanda @

  3. Hey Hey Beth....thank you so much for featuring my Santa Pin. You are awesome!! I love that I have found a place to come on Saturdays ^_^


  4. So neat! I would love to live a life of just creating.

    Thanks for stopping by http://www.Blogger

    I am following your blog. :-)

  5. Hey Beth, Thanks for adding your party button.

    Thanks also for entering my FIRST giveaway. SEVEN prizes aren't you so excited.


    Bella :)
