
December 15, 2010

Hot Buttered Rum My Way

 Klucking Bear has a great recipe for Hot Buttered Rum Mix. Find it here: Klucking Bear. Tabitha even supplies some pretty pictures for you to look at, like this:

 I love this one cause purple is my favorite color.

Now I have decided to do my own twist (once again) on this recipe, fine tuning it for yours truly!
 Follow Tabitha's recipe to a T. Do not leave anything out! That is an important step people. Again you can find it here: KluckingBear's Hot-Buttered-Rum Mix. Then, once that is all mixed up, pour your rum into a mug (make it a good sized mug my friends!). Fill that mug all the way to the top with the rum. Take your Buttered Rum Mix & throw it away & drink the rum! Thats how I do it! Hope this tutorial helps. Now where did I put that mug......

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  1. Oh, thanks so much for linking to me. I haven't been able to respond to your messages...there's no link with it. I love your site, though!

  2. Hi! New follower from Wandering Wednesday! You can visit me at

    Beki :)

  3. Following from Wyoming, USA
    On the Global Hop!
    Can you kindly give me a follow back? If you stop in, please just click like on FB. It's a pretty new page. Much obliged!
    Are you participating in the Handmade With Love Winter Giveaway? I'm signed up. I'm fairly new blog so having heck finding sponsors though. Any ideas?
    I am loving your blog. Glad I stopped by.

  4. I never had a buttered rum before.I don't know if I am going to like it! Anyway always there is the first time for everything :)

  5. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
