
December 16, 2010

Where Me & The Cold Hearted Broom Went This Morning

 Morning Blogland. I woke up this morning (again with help from the Broom) feeling like I have been french kissed by a Mac truck. Yes, I believe I have the Bubonic Plague. Maybe I have been working too much for just going back after the surgeries, I'm not sure but I do know that I feel horrible. The pressure in my sinuses is so bad that I wish my head was a big giant zit so I could pop it. Not really trying to be gross here just trying to explain how I feel. Does the Broom care? No. So with a box of tissue & some throat drops, off I go.

 cross my hooks blog link

 My Container Snowman is featured at Cross My Hooks Hooray-For-Holidays!

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  1. I hope you get to feeling better soon!

  2. feel better soon. new follower here.

  3. I hope you get better soon!
    PS : Thanks for the link parties:)

  4. So sorry you are under the weather -- whatever is going around this year is really knocking people on their bums! Hope you feel better very soon -- now send that broom out to get you some chicken soup!

  5. Get checked out for a sinus infection.My middle girl went around feeling like that for 2 weeks.You deserve to feel better.~Anne
