
January 2, 2011

How Big Can A Little Girl's Finger Be?

 I am in amazement that my granddaughter Jessica aka Pirate Princess, Girly Girl & Miss Thing, can have soooo many people wrapped tight around one little finger! But look at this face. How can her parents & brothers & all the other family members even attempt keeping her charms at bay? (okay, so I am a proud Grandmama & want to show her off & brag a bit) I love all my grandchildren & wish I had some more updated photos to show of all of them! (hint hint oh kids of mine!)

 She is too adorable for her own good!

 Check the full lip pout-move on over Angelina Jolie & Octomom!

Miss Thing says don't forget to leave a comment HERE for a chance to win some Peanut Butter Fudge.

I guess it can be tiring being so adorable!

Her brothers, Ryan & Bradley (Ryan is dressed. Thats how you look when you are in Florida & you are a cool guy on Christmas morning)

Bradley got a present!

There were clothes in that box. What a let down.
(don't you love his fashion sense with the mixed matched jammies?)

My grandson Carson out to eat!

Don't forget to leave a comment. I love hearing from cool folks like yourself.
Become a follower of Wiccan Make Some Too, I love the company!


  1. AWE your pics are awesome : )

    Thanks for stopping by the Super Mega Blog Hop : )

    Following you and can't wait to

    Have a great weekend and good luck in the giveaway : )

    Debbie @
    Lucas's Journey w/SPD

  2. What a fabulous collection of cuteniks! Resistance is futile.

  3. Great pics! Your granddaughter is adorable!

  4. I don't know how you restrain yourself! She is ADORABLE!!! :-) I am working on a knit strawberry beanie that would be perfect for princess pirate ;-) I did a grape today but strawberries are a little more involved :-P
