
January 3, 2011

Shoe Redo Be Do Be Do

 Yesterday.....I did not have to go to work! I am so happy. So I pretty much didn't do anything. But I did finally redo a pair of shoes. Got the idea from all the shoes I have seen redone here in Blogland. A friend of mine gave me a pair of shoes a few years ago & they have been sitting in a box in my closet cause they are white. Yup. I do not do white shoes unless they are a pair of these:

 which you can wear with jeans, shorts or a cute summery skirt.

 I know you have all heard the fashion rule of not wearing white after Labor Day. Well in my book, even the day before Labor Day still comes after Labor Day of the year before. wearing white shoes! (ever for me)

The shoes in question here were not new so I could not return them to the store or anything & they were kinda scuffed a bit. They looked exactly like this:

And the reason they look exactly like this is because this is the offending pair of shoes.

I mean I did not think anything was whiter than my legs right now but these most definitely are!

So I taped & stuffed as I have seen others do before me. But before spraying them the color I wanted them, I primed them first.

When the Hubs came out & saw me spraying the shoes this color, he just looked at me & raised his brow. I told him "No" that was not the color they will be when finished. That is the color of my primer paint. (he can be such a twit)

Next came two good coats with the black spray paint. They are just shiny like that cause the paint was just applied. I let them dry & boy did I get lucky. It had been over cast all day & as soon as I brought the shoes inside, the rain came. Not a lot but enough.

Now I have a pair of shoes I can wear with whatever & not be embarrassed out of my skull.
Look it.

Only a bit of the black spray paint managed to sneak its way in under the stuffing & tape. I love these shoes now & will be wearing them with many different items.
So I just want to send a big Thank You out to those in Blogland who inspired me to do this instead of  tossing the white shoes in the garbage.

Don't forget to leave a comment. I love hearing from cool folks like yourself.
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  1. How cool! I would have never thought of that!

  2. Very cool Beth, pretty darn brilliant, he he. Kinda like DUHHHH,,, love it.

  3. FEEEETTTT! Ah, yes, I always loudly emphasize words for no reason other than it's fun. Shoooessss, see, it's fun. But good idea with the color changing. I don't like white shoes. But then again I don't like shoes. I hardly ever wear shoes. Even now, in the office, I'm just wearing my socks. Shh don't tell. :)

  4. thanks for joining mailbox monday! i'm here to email subscribe but can't find the option- i am gfc following though. please let me know when you add email subscribe option and i will sign up!!

  5. We painted a pair of Goodwill pumps red earlier this year- viva la Krylon!

  6. I have yet to do this to any shoes (probably because I seem to only wear black shoes to begin with and am afraid of fun colors). They look great!

  7. Listen if you and the broom are ever bored.. I have lots of shoes that could use a redo! Feel free to fly over and rescue them. Love these! Thanks for sharing with the Pink Hippo Party as always!
