
May 24, 2011

And Then There Were Four

  Oh the nursery is almost complete. Remember this shot from the other day?

 The three Robin's eggs.

 Now there are four blurry eggs! Well, of course they are not blurry in person. I was in a hurry cause I didn't want to get rained on. (seriously, could you see me squirming on the ground screaming "I'm melting....melting") It will be interesting to keep track of these little buggers. I will keep all of you surrogate Aunts & Uncles out there in Blogland updated on the babies.

The roses......

 are red!

 Got my Library card today too. I am now official (eek!)
This is the view from where I park at the Library:

 I wanted to go put my feet in the water but I wasn't sure if they would get mad at me or not. Not that I really care about that. I used to play in creeks like this back in Maryland where I grew up. No alligators in that bad boy!

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  1. Awwww, the eggs look so sweet! We don't get many nests around here with 18 cats and all.

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