
May 25, 2011

My Shame- I Was A No Reply Blogger

 I am groveling here my Blogland friends. Not until Sunny from Life in Rehab posted a reply on one of my posts did I realize that with moving & having to change accounts for my email, I was not replyable!  I offer my humble apologies to those of you who tried to reply to one of my comments & received the cold shoulder.  It was not on purpose my friends. I have never been anti-social & don't plan on starting anytime soon. I implore your forgiveness & hope that I have gotten the changes on my profile right so all my friends can reply to any of my comments. ( I feel like such a heel)

Inserting begging photo

 So please to be forgiving me for my faux pas.

(thanks for saving my hide Sunny!)

1 comment:

  1. *Flogs* I'm just glad I noticed! I'm used to emailing with you with no problem.
