
October 29, 2011

Halloween Parade with Laurel Grove Wiccan Circle

 Hi Blogland! I wanted to share with you some wickedly awesome fun your favorite Witch had the other night. I was invited by the wonderful witchy folk of the Laurel Grove Wiccan Circle to walk with them in Uniontown's Halloween parade. This Witch had oodles of fun hanging out with the Laurel Grove group.

 Charles & Kathryn are some of the nicest people you ever wanna meet. I was so happy they invited me to participate.

Here is yours truly & Charles hamming it up.

I do not remember everyone's names but hope to become better acquainted with them. (I am so horrible with names most times that I call all three of my children "Hey You" or "Whats your face")

Look closely, she is holding a snake! He was so sweet & lovable.

I am serious, he really was!  Although it was fun to see peoples reactions along the route & while waiting to start when they realized that it was a real live snake!
(gotta have fun with it.....right?)

The banner we walked behind.

The school band behind us while waiting for the parade to start was practicing The Addams Family theme song. We really enjoyed that!

Wickedly cool decorated yard next to where we lined up.

I had to stop & snap a shot of this house along the parade route (left side)

(right side)

It was dark when the parade was over. Resting a bit to begin the walk back home & to cars.  The Laurel Wiccan Grove group has invited me to join in on their Samhain ritual this year also. Fingers are crossed that my work schedule allows me to attend!

Thanks again to Kathryn Goodwin Jones, Charles Bittner & the rest of the Coven for making me feel welcome in my new home town.

Laurel Grove Wiccan rock!

Blessed Be & a Wickedly Awesome Samhain to all!

Don't forget to leave a comment. I love hearing from wickedly
awesome people like yourself. Become a follower of
Wiccan Make Some Too & be part of an amazing group of folks. Hey, all the"cool" kids are doing it!

October 28, 2011

Wickedly Crafty Saturdays (10/29/11)

 Hey Blogland! It's that time again! Yup you guessed it my pretties. It is time for Wickedly Crafty Saturdays. I am excite about the entries from last time. Loved the Halloween stuff. How could I not? I have been busy doing all sorts of wickedly awesome things. On Wednesday I walked with the Laurel Grove Wiccan Circle in the Uniontown Halloween parade. Loads of fun there & I will share some photos with all of you in another post. Tomorrow night I am taking my oldest grandson, Ryan on a Ghost Hunting tour. I have chills of excitement just thinking about it! Okay, here we go.

 One of everyone's favorites & mine was this:

 Zombie hair & make-up from my girl MJ over at My Busy Craft Life
 I just drool over her costumes & make-up.

Next up is this Pretty Lady from Pattie from On Hollyhock Farm

Pattie took a store bought creepy picture & made it all her own!

The Bloody Eye Spell Book from Design DNA really made me & other smile!

The magazine eyes turned out wickedly creepy!

The most clicked link was being rooted for by my very own Broom. You all know how he is. Once he set eyes on this he has been bristling at me to make one like this for him. Here it is...the most clicked link:

The broom parking sign created by Bethany from A Fish Who Likes Flowers!

It is a wonderful creation.

Don't forget to grab a featured button.

My pointed hat is off to all of you who linked up. Now lets get ready to rock the purple & black striped socks off of Blogland once again my friends. Link up for Wickedly Crafty Saturdays Halloween weekend edition!  The party is on my Peeps & you have been tagged to join in.

Lets rock this link party!

Don't forget to leave a comment. I love hearing from wickedly
awesome people like yourself. Become a follower of
Wiccan Make Some Too & be part of an amazing group of folks. Hey, all the"cool" kids are doing it!

October 18, 2011

Me & My Broom & My Black Cat

 Hey Blogland! Me & my Broom got a chance to head out over Blogland today & we had a special guest with us. My black cat Ramses just loves this time of year & enjoys flying with us to check out all the Halloween decor & goodies our friends have created & the Halloween parties our friends are hosting. Here is a photo of Ramses helping me when I was making the faux wood boards:

It is his job to keep the supplies from wandering!

Anyway, off we went over Blogland on this greatest time of the year!

When you visit these places please do not forget to check out the other entries. You can make so many friends & find crafts & recipes that will just knock your wicked green & black striped socks off!
Don't forget to leave a comment. I love hearing from wickedly
awesome people like yourself. Become a follower of
Wiccan Make Some Too & be part of an amazing group of folks. Hey, all the"cool" kids are doing it!

October 15, 2011

Wickedly Crafty Saturdays (10/15/11)

 Hey Blogland. So very sorry once again for life interfering with my blog. I so detest when that happens. Quick update: the police still have so suspect in the murder of John Curtis Smith. This Wickedly Crafty Saturdays is dedicated to him.

 I want to thank those of you who participated in the last Wickedly Crafty Saturdays here at Wiccan Make Some Too. I love all the links & those who share their links. 

First up, the favorites from last time

Visitors to Wiccan Make Some Too & myself all loved this R2D2 cake from Tales of a Trophy Wife

Another favorite was this Zombi Dress by MJ over at My busy craft life

 Wickedly awesome pose MJ!

Now our most clicked link was the link supplied by Kim from Maiden D'Shade

Aren't these luminaries just to die for? So cute & easy to create with her tutorial. 

Grab a featured button you guys & get ready to link up some more wickedly creative stuff.
As for the rest of you....what are you waiting for people? It's a up!


Faux Wood Boards

 Hey Blogland! Need a cheap way to get your house looking scary this Halloween? Well, I will show you how to make faux wood boards to "board" up your windows! All you need Kiddies is some cardboard & some brown tempura paint & something to apply the paint with.

 This stuff I have had for over five years at least....but hey, it still worked!

I used a large (dry) paint brush to apply my undercoat of paint

It is important to go back & forth with the paint & not just go crazy with the brush. Keeping your strokes going one way is how you create the "wood grain"

Next add random strokes of paint for more wood texture. You can also dot some paint & then lightly brush over it. Remember to keep your strokes going one way! Some you can angle slightly for a more natural look.

This section above had a packing label on it & the top layer of cardboard peel off with the label. I used it anyway cause I liked the marred look it gave my piece of wood.

Here are two pieces of my "wood" drying. For house windows you only need to paint one side of the cardboard. I did some for my work place & painted both sides since customers will see it from inside the store as well as outside.

 In the above shot I used the end of my brush to create the wood "knot".  I dipped the end of the brush in the paint & lightly dabbed off the excess then placed the brush flat on the cardboard & twisted it in a circle. Lift the brush & like magick...... a knot in your wood!

Smaller sections of cardboard can be used to make signs

Such as this "Danger" sign

And this "Beware" sign I have on my front door

Once your "wood" pieces have dried, grab a hammer & nails or a staple gun & make your house look "boarded up"!

There you have it Blogland! Faux wood.

Hey, it's Halloween time....have fun with it!

Don't forget to leave a comment. I love hearing from wickedly
awesome people like yourself. Become a follower of
Wiccan Make Some Too & be part of an amazing group of folks. Hey, all the"cool" kids are doing it!

October 14, 2011

Cardboard Haunted House

 Morning Blogland. I have returned with a Halloween decoration that is easy as all get out to create. All you need is some cardboard & a can of spray paint.

 The cardboard is very forgiving if you are spray painting over it as you will see in the pic below. Draw your pattern on the cardboard & if you make a booboo, not to worry as you will be painting over the bad stuff.

Here I have my pattern drawn out

My mistakes are circled but once the pattern is cut out & painted.....nobody but us has to know!

The sun is glaring on it a bit but this turned out pretty awesome. It is going to work to be put up in the window so I painted both sides.

(The close up shot again)

Have fun with your cardboard people! 

Nest I will show you how to create faux wood on your stay tuned.

Sneak peak:

Don't forget to leave a comment. I love hearing from wickedly
awesome people like yourself. Become a follower of
Wiccan Make Some Too & be part of an amazing group of folks. Hey, all the"cool" kids are doing it!