
May 29, 2011

Stupid Laws In PA.

 Hey Blogland! The new job is going great so far. I was called in two days early so instead of starting yesterday I started Thursday. The people I work with seem to get along great with each other (so far). I am off today & have some stuff to take care of so I can wow you with it later. Killing time waiting for the Hubs to wake up this morning I stumbled across this on the interwebz.

( thought this was funny )

 Stupid Laws In PA.

It is contrary to Pennsylvania law to discharge a gun, cannon, revolver or other explosive
weapon at a wedding. 

It is illegal to have over 16 women live in a house together because that constitutes a brothel.

However up to 120 men can live together, without breaking the law.

It it illegal to sleep on top of a refrigerator outdoors.

Any motorist driving along a country road at night must stop every mile and send up a rocket signal, wait 10 minutes for the road to be cleared of livestock, and continue. 

A special cleaning ordinance bans housewives from hiding dirt and dust under a rug in a dwelling. 
You may not sing in the bathtub.
Fireworks stores may not sell fireworks to Pennsylvania residents.
A person is not eligible to become Governor if he/she has participated in a duel.
Any motorist who sights a team of horses coming toward him must pull well off the road, cover his car with a blanket or canvas that blends with the countryside, and let the horses pass. If the horses appear skittish, the motorist must take his car apart, piece by piece, and hide it under the nearest bushes.
Ministers are forbidden from performing marriages when either the bride or groom is drunk.
No more than two packages of beer at a time may be purchased, unless you are buying from an official "beer distributor".
All liquor stores must be run by the state.
Motorized vehicles are not to be sold on Sundays.
You may not catch a fish with your hands.
You may not catch a fish by any body part except the mouth.
Dynamite is not to be used to catch fish. 
Though you do not need a fishing license to fish on your own land, but a hunting license is required to hunt on your own land.
There is a ban on men becoming aroused in public. (Allentown) 
Operators of bingo games may not advertise the prizes offered. (Bensalem) 
Persons convicted of felonies may not operate Bingo games. (Bensalem) 
One's pants may be worn no lower than five inches below the waist. (Connellsville ) 
All fire hydrants must be checked one hour before all fires. (Danville) 
It is required that a woman have a permit to wear cosmetics. (Morrisville) 
Every outlet or switch (which can be purchased for 59 cents) that is installed requires an electrical inspection fee of 1 dollar and 33 cents. (Newtown) 
No one is allowed to sleep on a refrigerator. (Pittsburgh) 
It is still illegal to bring a donkey or a mule onto a trolley car. (Pittsburgh) 
Horses are not to be tied to parking meters. (Tarentum)
 Check out this site: Bit of Fun & see if there are any stupid laws on the books where you live!

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May 25, 2011

My Shame- I Was A No Reply Blogger

 I am groveling here my Blogland friends. Not until Sunny from Life in Rehab posted a reply on one of my posts did I realize that with moving & having to change accounts for my email, I was not replyable!  I offer my humble apologies to those of you who tried to reply to one of my comments & received the cold shoulder.  It was not on purpose my friends. I have never been anti-social & don't plan on starting anytime soon. I implore your forgiveness & hope that I have gotten the changes on my profile right so all my friends can reply to any of my comments. ( I feel like such a heel)

Inserting begging photo

 So please to be forgiving me for my faux pas.

(thanks for saving my hide Sunny!)

May 24, 2011

And Then There Were Four

  Oh the nursery is almost complete. Remember this shot from the other day?

 The three Robin's eggs.

 Now there are four blurry eggs! Well, of course they are not blurry in person. I was in a hurry cause I didn't want to get rained on. (seriously, could you see me squirming on the ground screaming "I'm melting....melting") It will be interesting to keep track of these little buggers. I will keep all of you surrogate Aunts & Uncles out there in Blogland updated on the babies.

The roses......

 are red!

 Got my Library card today too. I am now official (eek!)
This is the view from where I park at the Library:

 I wanted to go put my feet in the water but I wasn't sure if they would get mad at me or not. Not that I really care about that. I used to play in creeks like this back in Maryland where I grew up. No alligators in that bad boy!

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Me & The Broom & I Got A Job Uber Close To Home

 What up Blogland? I am having an awesome day. The Broom & I headed out this morning over the mountain tops into overcast skies. My Broom is a bit miffed cause I am employed now & he is afraid it will damper our already screwed up routine for visiting our Blogland friends. The call came yesterday after I had already spent a good part of the morning applying for jobs in Uniontown. The first application I put in up was last week at a place called Tobacco World. Yup, tobacco. I will admit that I am a smoker. No, it's not a great habit to have but it keeps me from killing people. It is my Prozac & helps keep me sane. So when the Hubs & I were at the tobacco shop it came up that I was going to start job hunting & that they were looking to hire a new employee. I got the application & filled it out. I was told that the job required that you were a smoker, cussed & were ornery.........I told them they hit the jackpot with me. Yes, I have vices & I am not ashamed to admit it. Yesterday after the Hubs & I were coming back from the grocery store the call came. I went in & met the owner who had been on vacation & the manager. I start Saturday & and happy that Tobacco World is like a block from my house. No money being spent on gas thats for sure. Anyway is where we went!



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May 23, 2011

Me & The Broom & Whats That Creaking On The Stairs?

 Hey there Blogland.  Me & the Broom headed out early this morning fly over mountain tops to reach our beloved Blogland. This morning I kept hearing the floor creaking & wondered what it was. Finally I decided to get up & investigate. I found my Broom on the third step from the top of the stairs....asleep. He was trying to sneak up on me to wake me rudely as he so loves to do. Apparently, he fell asleep waiting before trying the next step. All the steps creak & as he waited for me to settle back down, he drifted off. Serves him right for even attempting to sneak around this house. I woke him up (startled him real good) & off we went to visit some old friends & some new ones.

 View from my home office window

Pink Hippo Party


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Yet Another Basket Remake....(yea, I got a lot a baskets)

 What up Blogland? I am poofing in to show you yet another basket I have revamped to go into my bathroom to hold all my crap. I have a huge collection of baskets. I collect them sometimes. Actually I had to cut back cause of space issues. Anyway, the baskets are back with a vengeance! This basket started out looking like this:

 Don't look at the washer, just the basket. My craft/workshop is in the basement & over by the washer the lighting is better for photos. In anther life this basket was a catch all for mail & bills. It sat on a high shelf right between the kitchen & living room. So the transformation begins.....

I sprayed it ......sit down & put down your Yes, I know that is not my "color" per say but I do like the color black too. Didn't get a shot of the basket just black so I will show you this:

There are some large openings in the bottom of this sucker & I don't want smaller items falling through the cracks so to speak. I lined it with some of the purple shelf liner that my mother-in-law picked up for me. Added a purple ribbon & some more of the stash o' flowers supply.
 Here it is sitting on top of another awaiting project. There are tons of projects around my house right now.

 And another shot. Ewww! Look how funky that table top is. Got that dumpster diving quite a few years back. It has been on my to do list ever since. I took the shot here because the lighting in the bathroom did not want to cooperate & I wanted  you to be able to see the pretties on it.

Oh look, blurry pretties!

Here is the reason they were blurry. My blurry cat D'Artagnon was batting my arm as I was trying to take the photos. Always so helpful.

 Next a funky lit shot of the new addition to the bathroom stuff holder gallery.

So from this

To this

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May 22, 2011

Bathroom Room

 Hey Blogland. Last week I did a post about my living room ( before & after kinda thing even though it is still mostly in the "before" stage as of yet.) This week I will show you what I am working on to make some "room" in my bathroom. I am linking up with this:

 My friend Crystal at Crystal's Craft Spot Is doing a before & after linky for different rooms of the house. This week it is the bathroom. Go on over & check it out after you get done drooling over my basket that I redid to go into my bathroom. I'm serious, I don't want Crystal to see you over there still having some drool on your chin, dripping it all over her carpet or something.

In my post yesterday I left off with this picture:

 My before shot of the bathroom from before I moved in:

Right fancy, ain't it?

 The only storage we have in there is the medicine cabinet. I have been basically living out of a travel case for my make-up & stuff. I bring it in & place it on the toilet lid (yes, of course while it is closed) Then when done, it's back into my office with the case. Really fun living like a guest in your own home. So on our last trip out & up the mountains the Hubs bought me this:

 This of course is NOT my bathroom. This is a promo shot of the over the toilet storage doohickey. It comes with the magazine rack & an over the door hanging contraption. There is no room in my bathroom for the magazine rack so it is not yet put together. We got this one because of the third shelf. Most of these units only have two shelves & what the hey, why not have one more? It did not work for us cause our prehistoric toilet tank is too high so we had to remove a shelf. I still had the dilemma of what to put my stuff in so it was not all falling out of the slatted shelf. So the basket you saw earlier was transformed into this:

Then into this with just a few flowers from my stash o' stuff

 Here is the shelf with some of the stuff I am redoing for storage.


This is still a project in the works. The repaired walls have been painted over. (not by me) But before I do any painting the patch work has to be sanded & repaired. This was not done prior to painting. The helper my husband's uncle had just painted over the plaster without sanding it. But at least it does not slap you in the face as it did before. (just keep your eyes closed when going in the bathroom & you will be fine)

That is about it for the transformation. Not a big deal but when I get finished all the stuff, I will have more space to toss my make-up & junk into!

Sorry this post is so sad Crystal!

P.S. It is raining again today.

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May 21, 2011

The Sun Came Out!

 The Flippin' Sun came out today Blogland! So happy about that. The only drawback is the fact that everyone in the neighborhood is mowing their grass today. (my allergies are killing me) I have nothing but lawn mowers since about 9am. The Hubs even got in on the action. He started off by clearing some over grown stuff by out back yard fence & he found a Robin's nest lower in the trees. He called me over & I got some okay shots.

 Only three eggs for now. They usually lay between four & six eggs. Momma must been out getting groceries. Guess she didn't get to the bread the Hubs threw out into the yard this morning before it was gone.

 Hopefully no animals get a hold of these & we can keep an eye on the babies once they are hatched. I was surprised when I was watching the Robins build their nest that is was so close to the ground.

 Here it is right up against my fence. The nest is on the cemetery side of the fence.

 Here is the Hubs clearing a bunch of overgrown stuff from the back of our yard.

I am glad he got the chance to get out & do this today. He loves working in the yard & it keeps him out of my hair for a while!

 Keeps him out of trouble too!

 The cemetery is getting quite over run.

 The Hubs is taking care of that. We are not sure what if any schedule the Church who has this has for keeping up on it but The Hubs likes to help out the neighbors since they can't mow the place themselves. I am not sure if the cemetery belongs to the Church down the street from us or not. There is never anyone visiting these 200 plus yr old graves. My grandsons took a tour with me & were very considerate of the long dead. My six year old grandson Bradley was very sad to see that so many small children were buried there. He wished they could have had better medicine back then so the kids could have lived. Next time I go to place flowers & such on the children's graves, my grandsons want to help.

 The azalea bush is blooming out front but it is gonna have to be moved.

I am not sure why anyone would have planted this so close to the sidewalk.

Say "hi" to Neptune. He is hanging out in the backyard waiting for a spot among some flowers to hang out. Also I have to find his Trident so he isn't standing around not holding anything. Right now he is keeping his eye on these:

Yup, soon the roses will bloom & hopefully smell really rosy. I wonder what color they will be.....

Stay tuned to see what happens to this!

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