Hey Blogland! I have been so eager to share with all of you the photos I took at Nemacolin Castle here in PA.
Nemacolin is in Brownsville a mere 20 minute drive for me. I will most assuredly be going back to this wickedly haunted place! My grandson Ryan went with me. Ryan is a budding Ghost Hunter & he had tons of fun. We couldn't really tell if we captured anything on film until I got home & uploaded the photos to the computer. We got quite a bit of stuff & I am uber excited to show them to you all!
The first orb I caught was on the first photo I took while in the castle. I really wish you could all see these photos bigger than what the blog allows. I was having a hard time breathing in this room & later found out that those who are sensitive to "other things around them" have the same experience! Wickedly Cool! (okay, well not too cool when I could not breath but you get where I am coming from)
This photo was taken in an upstairs hallway. This orb is one of a few that appear to have faces in them..........goose bump time!
This photo shows a small orb on a staircase that is reported to be haunted by a young boy who cries on the stairs. Poor kid. I wonder what he is crying about. It makes me sad to know of a child spirit that is unhappy.
Taken in a smaller third floor bedroom there appears to be a mass of some sort trying to manifest itself. I wish I could have stayed longer in that room but the tour was moving pretty fast.
This photo is one of my "prize shots". Three orbs in one shot! When larger you can see a face in the one with the star next to it. It is really clear too! Uber exciting!
Chills down your spine time! Check out the orb over the man's face. Everyone I have shown this to gets the chills looking at it. Wickedly awesome if you ask me.
I know you are thinking "Oh Beth, that is the moon outside the window!" No. That night the moon was a thin cresent shape.
Outside after the tour I took quite a few more photos of the outside of Nemacolin Castle. Two orbs in this shot with the upper one also having a face in it.
I have more shots with orbs but they are not able to be seen when in blogger format.
Here is my Ghost Hunting grandson, Ryan. He was talking with me about his experiences in the house. He also cannot wait to go back. I entered in a drawing to spend the night at the castle with a guest. Of course the guest would have been my grandson! Since I have not heard anything to date I am guessing that not one of my 20 tickets was drawn........bummer. We would have been able to stay overnight with some local Ghost Hunters & get to use their equipment. Oh well, I will be looking into being able to hang out with some Ghost Hunters in the area so Ryan & I can go on the hunt once again!
Nemacolin Castle
If you want to check out the photos in larger scale, hit my Facebook page & check them out. This is a direct link to the album.
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