A wickedly wonderful Saturday to all my lovelies in Blogland. Like any well rounded Witch, I love to read. And I have found an Author that can catch my attention & keep me captivated! How lucky of me is that? I had the chance to meet this wonderful lady this past Autumn when she was giving a talk on Gem Stones & their meanings & uses. I was also lucky enough to become friends with this captivating woman. She has such a positive outlook on life, I swear it leaves me jealous.
She looks after me too. When I post on Facebook that I am either off to do some ghost hunting or a house cleansing to banish spirits or negativity, Ceane always chimes in suggesting which stones for protection I should carry with me when I go.
She has written some books on the history of Pennsylvania & a book of short stories called Autumn Song.
What really caught my witchy eye is her series of Sleuth Sister Mysteries! Three books all about three cousins known as the Sleuth Sisters. And of course they are all magical. Powers they inherited from their grandmother, Granny Mcdonough. Chocked full of adventure, suspense & of course, witchcraft, these books will leave you drooling for more. They did me!
Here is a bit about Ceane that is posted on Amazon in the Kindle Store where you can get these wickedly awesome books for your Kindle:
About the Author~
Ceane O'Hanlon-Lincoln is a native of southwestern Pennsylvania, where she taught high school French until 1985. Already engaged in commercial writing, she immediately began pursuing a career writing both fiction and history.
In the tradition of a great Irish seanchaí (storyteller), O'Hanlon-Lincoln has been called by many a "state-of-the-heart writer."
In 1987, at Robert Redford's Sundance Institute, two of her screenplays made the "top twenty-five," chosen from thousands of nationwide entries. In 1994, she optioned one of those scripts to Kevin Costner; the other screenplay she reworked and adapted, in 2014, to the first of her Sleuth Sisters Mysteries, The Witches' Time-Key, conceived years ago when Ceane first visited Ireland. As she stood on the sacred Hill of Tara, the wind whispered ancient voices- ancient secrets. O'Hanlon-Lincoln never forgot that very mystical experience.
Fire Burn and Cauldron Bubble is the second of the Sleuth Sisters Mysteries, The Witch's Silent Scream the third in the bewitching series. Watch for the fourth exciting Sleuth Sisters adventure- Which Witch is Which?- coming soon.
Ceane has also had a poem published in Great Poems of Our Time. Winner of the Editor's Choice Award, "The Man Who Holds the Reins" appears in the fore of her Autumn Song anthology.
William Colvin, a retired Pennsylvania theatre and English teacher said of her Autumn Song: "The tales rank with those of Rod Sterling and the great O. Henry. O'Hanlon-Lincoln is a master storyteller."
I have also included the link to Amazon for her page. Just saving you some time cause I know you are gonna want to check it out! So click below to be whisked away by the Mcdonough women.
Seriously! Look it!
Honestly my Blogland friends, Her books are a true delight & you would be cheating yourself out of some wonderful reads if you don't check them out.
Mayhap my Broom & I will take a sweep over Blogland in the future to see who has taken my advice!
Don't forget to leave a comment. You know I love to hear from awesome people such as yourself.
Hey, all the cool kids are doing it!