Where the Crafty come to meet

Where the Crafty come to meet! Come on in & take a look around. I think you will like what you see & I know you will be inspired by something in here. So take a look see & don't forget to hit the follow button! Blessed Be.

July 17, 2011

A Tale Of Two Zucchinis

 Hey Blogland....it's been crazy here at Wiccan Make Some Too.  What with family health issues & work & about a gazillion other things.......whew!  First off I wanna give a shout out to the Hub's Uncle Jake & say that we are so relieved that it was not a Stroke! Yes, had a major scare on that one. Lesson learned? If the meds say stay out of the sun while taking this med.......you darned skippy better follow the advice!

 Now on to other matters. The above mentioned Uncle Jake has been having some great stuff come outta his garden. He has given us two zucchinis in a matter of a week. Check out the difference one more week on the vine made.

Here is zucchini #1. I have it next to a bottle of dish soap to help with comparison of size. Looks pretty normal....right?

Here is zucchini #2. Check out the difference!

 Here they are side by side. I will be making a heap load of zucchini dishes here real soon.  I am a little nervous about what the next zucchini is gonna look like!

I am waiting on  his watermelons to be ready!
The Hubs garden got a later start.

 The Hub's cucumbers.

The Hub's watermelons ( I am impressed with the weed growth.....how about you?)

The Hub's banana peppers ( & weeds)

Banana pepper blossoms.

Tomato plants (& the inevitable weeds)

Close up

I am so tasting some fried green tomatoes. I love those things. Hurry up plant!

My poor Neptune......have not found the right spot for him yet.

The poor thing is still leaning up against the back stairs like an old drunk. The shame of it all! Gotta find him a spot. Wickedly sorry about all that Neptune!

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