Morning Blogland. I am a bit sad today as this is my last week in Florida. After living here since 1997 it's really gonna be tough to leave here & relocate in the frozen tundra of PA. My Broom is not too happy either. He is like me & does not take to the cold all that well. I have seen him eying the scarf I was crocheting for my granddaughter. Guess I have to come up with something for him as well. The house is a total wreck with boxes everywhere. Our cats are tripping out & wondering why we are decorating with boxes that they cannot make forts out of. The Broom woke me early (surprise....not). Almost broke my neck trying to navigate around boxes in the living room
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Oh Beth.. good luck with your move! Hope all is well and I look forward to hearing about your adventures in moving with the broom! Glad I could help you find some new places to party!