I grabbed my Broom for a late night run instead of early morning. I had to clear my head of the horrible images that were crowding around in there. My Hubs suggested a break from packing & said we should go to the Mall & spend up the gift cards we got for Christmas. Now I remember why I try to stay away from the Mall. The prices in those stores are enough to make your head spin. Yea, I got a couple things but the stores I could have spent more time in, I did not. I could not think right because of the music being so freakin' loud. The jams were happening, don't get me wrong. They were just way too loud. My Broom was more than happy to take me out for some head clearing fun!
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Mu hubbys the same way, he despises shopping. I'm not a fan of it for big department stores and such, but I'm a very anal person for list making and knowing basically where everything is to get in and out without much hassle. Oh, and the prices nowadays are just ridiculous!